[–] X175B247 1 points (+1|-0)

When your manager at the cafe says, “hey do you wanna take home the muffins?” At the end of the day makes you cry

I know this. Stolen eggs and ramen on sale to keep me alive while I worked full time with full time school. Consistently sleep deprived from trying to sustain my life while I earned an education.

I remember someone didn't want their pork rinds and gave me the bag. Those in my ramen that night made me cry.

[–] OeeThaGreat 2 points (+2|-0)

I was luck and I worked at a pizza place that sold individual slice's. When they expired, I would save them up and throughout the day and take them home. I literally lived off pizza for a solid year, and then I still used the junk slices to supplement meals. Free pizza helped me escape poverty.