[–] COFfeebreak 1 points (+1|-0) Edited

The component of age is also a huge factor. The teen and early 20's years are a time when one's emotions are extremely raw and active and one's lifeviews are being investigated and developed. So music, primarily an emotion-based reflection of those views, tend to meld those together. Music and the world-view you develop during that time become more cemented and memories associated with them become cherished.

My experience growing up with the music of the 60's and 70's was that had yet to be as controlled as a product as the music industry profit-driven music as today was nice. Also the technology of recording techniques were just being developed and that added to the excitement of something new. Now technology almost replaces the talent required to perform pieces written by focus groups for maximum earnings potential. This article shows it being done with graphic art. The soul of the artists are being replaced by tech, but there's always going to be the "humanness" that can't be replicated, but is scarily getting close. Yet, thanks to the level of technology that is replacing musicians, it is also allowing today's artists that would have gone unheard to be able to reach more and more through the internet. A lot of these artists don't want, need, or can afford as many "enhancements" or corporate overlords to satisfy. It requires a lot more effort to wade through all that is offered but "there's gold in them thar hills".