Might have something to do with using the intro sub to promote his /u/PM_ME_YOUR_BOOBS2's new site.
Which is not to say anything is wrong with his site, just that his the placement comes across as wanting to redirect new users to a different platform.
I do not want to redirect new users, this site has a community that is awesome. What my site is, is a voat replacement. Someplace for the users of voat to go where there will not be any censorship. I like this place and as long as the devs will have me I'll hang around.
I confused you with AOU, so my apologies. I've not seen you place links anywhere even remotely inappropriate. I'm going to amend my first comment.
It was /u/PM_ME_YOUR_BOOBS2 who was promoting his site though, not /u/AOU.
Oh, my mistake then. I stand by the rest of it. Just seems like an advertisement.
You're getting slammed with the downvote brigading.