

[–] Justintoxicated 5 points (+5|-0)

I have some libertarian leanings, some are described in @TheRedArmy's well put post.

I think the point where many people take crux with libertarianism is when the topic of taxes and privatization come up. I would think a moderate libertarian would agree that some taxes serve a relevant purpose however they would demand greater transparency on where the money is spent (which certainly does not exist in the federal budget) and accountability for tax dollars. A moderate libertarian may support the idea of some degree of privatization of some public services (for example public transit, most US cities have contracts with private companies to provide public transit) if they believe that the private companies can provide an advantage over the public option (efficiency, cost, innovation, etc..).

Now the extreme examples that are more commonly used are the extreme cases who do not believe in taxation for any purpose or do not believe in the idea of public funding (end all subsidies, social programs, etc..). Libertarians are an easy strawman because many of the core ideas are neither in agreement or disagreement with polarizing issues.