

[–] Mattvision 7 points (+7|-0)

Can you define cohesive?

Without knowing what you mean, the best answer I can give you is that it wouldn't necessarily remain cohesive, but it wouldn't necessarily not either. It depends on the density of people who would naturally behave this way in your society. But they must do it voluntarily, of their own will.

Is it something you think people truly can't do without being forced to by an involuntary state? Could a voluntary state or institution of some kind not incentivize people to behave this way by choice?

If so, is cohesiveness really so valuable that you must threaten people with violence to comply with it? Would you be willing to enforce this yourself, by arresting people who don't comply, and even physically harming or killing people who resist arrest?

[+] [Deleted] 5 points (+5|-0)