Some friends and I were hanging out before a concert at my place with some fine girls. After feeling sufficiently lit, we decided to head over to the venue which is the biggest in town and is well known for having the most stringent security outside of the Pentagon. We, of course, snuck in some weed because who goes to listen to groovy tunes while becoming increasingly sober. Pretty much immediately after we lit up, they threw me out for smoking.

Alone, outside, I figured I would drive home and pick up my friends when the concert was over. When I arrived at my parking spot, alas, no car. The area this venue is in is just a little into the ghetto from downtown and I gave it 50/50 between whether my car was stolen or towed away. At any rate, this was not an area to hang around outside alone as a white person if I value my life and property so I figure I'll go get some McDonalds and figure out what to do next there. I purchased a 6 piece McNugget and a small fry and decided to just walk home as quickly as possible.

Before I reached the end of the block, I see a little bastard shooting people with a BB gun. I was undeterred from my mission to just get home that night so I take off after only eating one of my McNuggets and a couple of fries. I thought I was being sneaky by cutting through an alley to the next road over to avoid this kid but he saw and that made me the next target. When I see him pursuing, I start sprinting toward downtown, serpentining to avoid the occasional BB aimed in my direction. Suddenly I hear quite the ruckus behind me so I turn to look and see that the kid's mom has him by the collar of his shirt and is shouting at him like a mad dog. I shout a thanks and continue on my way.

Somehow I circled around and found myself back at the venue where I found the rest of my group had just been thrown out. The girls in the group were all pretty sick of our shenanigans and decided to chat up a security guard that had just replaced one that had watched them get thrown out and managed to get themselves but not us back in. For some reason, one of us had some very obviously fake football game tickets that we tried bribing a guard with to let us back in but he just laughed at us so we called a cab and went home.

Some friends and I were hanging out before a concert at my place with some fine girls. After feeling sufficiently lit, we decided to head over to the venue which is the biggest in town and is well known for having the most stringent security outside of [the Pentagon](https://youtu.be/m1fZ7Ap6ebs?t=47s). We, of course, snuck in some weed because who goes to listen to groovy tunes while becoming increasingly sober. Pretty much immediately after we lit up, they threw me out for smoking. Alone, outside, I figured I would drive home and pick up my friends when the concert was over. When I arrived at my parking spot, alas, no car. The area this venue is in is just a little into the ghetto from downtown and I gave it 50/50 between whether my car was stolen or towed away. At any rate, this was not an area to hang around outside alone as a white person if I value my life and property so I figure I'll go get some McDonalds and figure out what to do next there. I purchased a 6 piece McNugget and a small fry and decided to just walk home as quickly as possible. Before I reached the end of the block, I see a little bastard shooting people with a BB gun. I was undeterred from my mission to just get home that night so I take off after only eating one of my McNuggets and a couple of fries. I thought I was being sneaky by cutting through an alley to the next road over to avoid this kid but he saw and that made me the next target. When I see him pursuing, I start sprinting toward downtown, serpentining to avoid the occasional BB aimed in my direction. Suddenly I hear quite the ruckus behind me so I turn to look and see that the kid's mom has him by the collar of his shirt and is shouting at him like a mad dog. I shout a thanks and continue on my way. Somehow I circled around and found myself back at the venue where I found the rest of my group had just been thrown out. The girls in the group were all pretty sick of our shenanigans and decided to chat up a security guard that had just replaced one that had watched them get thrown out and managed to get themselves but not us back in. For some reason, one of us had some very obviously fake football game tickets that we tried bribing a guard with to let us back in but he just laughed at us so we called a cab and went home.


[–] PMYA 1 points (+1|-0)

I can't believe they let you carry a concealed chapstick in the US. Crazy bastards.

Similar thing happened to a friend. Got thrown out of a Descendents gig in London after 5 minutes because he started smoking.

[–] [Deleted] 1 points (+1|-0)

i'm a slippery motherfucker so this dream was the only time i have personally been thrown out but boy does it throw a wrench in plans when a member of your party is stuck out in sub zero weather with no way home. at least in my dream it was summertime.