I vaguely remember this one, it happened last night and I only recall a few fragments of it. It's not so much the content I remember, more the feeling I had when I woke up.

I am some kind of mafia associate, in a restaurant that kind of looks like the one from that scene in Goodfellas. There is a lobster on my plate that I can't eat, because it is walking around dodging my fork. Sometimes it even shrinks/grows in size.

Fast forward, and I am in a house I don't recognise. I sit in front of the fireplace, plug a Gamecube controller into it, and begin to play some kind of platformer that shows in the flames. A kid comes and sits next to me, and after a couple of minutes he tells me that his coins are stuck in his piggy bank. I watch as he puts a 5p coin in the slot and it disappears. All of a sudden we are back in the restaurant on the floor, surrounded by the mafia. Everything is silent and they seem to be waiting for me to do something, so I tap the piggy bank and a 10p coin shoots out. Everyone starts to cheer and then they stop again, but then they are are frozen in time, apart from the kid. I should probably mention at this point that I am fairly sure he was the Kazoo Kid. He inserts a 20p coin and I do the same thing again, producing a 50p coin. Time returns to normal.

I am at a luxury hotel. There is something wrong about the hotel though. It is futuristic and too clean. All of the walls are white, and it is huge, with all kinds of sports facilities. It kind of looks like inside of the space station from 2001, or something you would see in a Black Mirror episode. I am the only person there.

I get changed and play squash for a while. The ball makes no noise when it hits the wall, everything is silent. After I have played, I go back to the changing rooms, and a woman shoots one of those toy arrow things with a sucker on the end at me. It sticks to the locker next to me, and with a feeling of dread, I insert it into my urethra. I lose my grip and it is sucked inside me.

Then I woke up in a cold sweat.

I vaguely remember this one, it happened last night and I only recall a few fragments of it. It's not so much the content I remember, more the feeling I had when I woke up. I am some kind of mafia associate, in a restaurant that kind of looks like the one from [that scene in Goodfellas](https://imgflip.com/s/meme/Good-Fellas-Hilarious.jpg). There is a lobster on my plate that I can't eat, because it is walking around dodging my fork. Sometimes it even shrinks/grows in size. Fast forward, and I am in a house I don't recognise. I sit in front of the fireplace, plug a Gamecube controller into it, and begin to play some kind of platformer that shows in the flames. A kid comes and sits next to me, and after a couple of minutes he tells me that his coins are stuck in his piggy bank. I watch as he puts a 5p coin in the slot and it disappears. All of a sudden we are back in the restaurant on the floor, surrounded by the mafia. Everything is silent and they seem to be waiting for me to do something, so I tap the piggy bank and a 10p coin shoots out. Everyone starts to cheer and then they stop again, but then they are are frozen in time, apart from the kid. I should probably mention at this point that I am fairly sure he was [the Kazoo Kid](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRpdIrq7Rbo). He inserts a 20p coin and I do the same thing again, producing a 50p coin. Time returns to normal. I am at a luxury hotel. There is something wrong about the hotel though. It is futuristic and too clean. All of the walls are white, and it is huge, with all kinds of sports facilities. It kind of looks like inside of the space station from 2001, or something you would see in a Black Mirror episode. I am the only person there. I get changed and play squash for a while. The ball makes no noise when it hits the wall, everything is silent. After I have played, I go back to the changing rooms, and a woman shoots one of those [toy arrow things with a sucker on the end at me.](http://www.bluemaize.net/im/toys/bow-arrow-toy-3.jpg) It sticks to the locker next to me, and with a feeling of dread, I insert it into my urethra. I lose my grip and it is sucked inside me. Then I woke up in a cold sweat.