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[–] InnocentBystander [OP] 4 points (+4|-0) Edited

You clicked because you saw the nsfw tag. I know it. You can admit it. You were hoping to see my junk.

Sorry to disappoint. In truth though, there is one other image of me on the internet. An amateur porn video. But only one (large) portion of me is shown in that video. People did not share that video to look at me. They were more interested in my very cute costar. It wasn't me that uploaded that video. It was her.

This pic does embarrass me though. It makes my beard look smaller than it really is.

I swear it was cold in that room. My beard is epic normally. Just had a little stage fright.

[–] TheRedArmy 2 points (+2|-0)

I honestly had no idea what I was expecting to see. Maybe a slightly concealed face? I didn't even register the NSFW bit.

Pictures of me exist, because of Facebook back in the day, but I'm become much more concerned with my internet privacy since then, so I'm careful about giving out too much information or pictures now.

Zhang Fengyi as the warlord Cao Cao will have to do as a stand-in.

Also, yikes. :p