[–] [Deleted] 0 points (+0|-0)

Have health care workers been put out of jobs? And if so, why?

[–] Chaoticneutral 1 points (+1|-0)

Yes they have. My wife’s department furloughed 30% of the staff. Hospitals have stopped all non-essential cases, i.e. checkups, annuals, mild complaints, surgeries that aren’t emergent. These make a lot of money for the hospital, without them the hospital is hemorrhaging money. Doctors are taking pay cuts to help but it’s not enough. So they are furloughing staff for a couple months to try to remain solvent. Her hospital happened to be one of the best prepared in our state, other hospitals are in worse shape.

[–] [Deleted] 0 points (+0|-0) Edited

NHS hospitals in the UK haven't furloughed staff although all non essential cases have been postponed. Fortunately here it's about healthcare at the point of delivery and not profit.

[–] Chaoticneutral 1 points (+1|-0)

The hospitals here are non-profits too. But they still need to pay their staff and their suppliers. They don’t have a blank check from the government. They have foundations they can draw on but they still need enough liquidity to survive. I still wouldn’t trust our government to supply healthcare. They screw up everything else they touch with their BS.