The government here have crippled the NHS by chronically under funding it. Now there is a health crisis they cynically push the #saveournhs hashtag.
The government here have crippled the NHS by chronically under funding it.
Now there is a health crisis they cynically push the #saveournhs hashtag.
Sounds like typical government behavior. Underfund the important stuff, fund useless crap for their owners, and then raise taxes to fund the important stuff. Rinse and repeat.
Sounds like typical government behavior. Underfund the important stuff, fund useless crap for their owners, and then raise taxes to fund the important stuff. Rinse and repeat.
The hospitals here are non-profits too. But they still need to pay their staff and their suppliers. They don’t have a blank check from the government. They have foundations they can draw on but they still need enough liquidity to survive. I still wouldn’t trust our government to supply healthcare. They screw up everything else they touch with their BS.