Kim is not.
There's a saying: "Only Nixon could have gone to China."
I don't feel Trump is a perfect man. I don't think he's a particularly "bad man" either.
Maybe some Firefly?
“It's my estimation that every man ever got a statue made of him was one kind of a son of a bitch or another." --Malcolm Reynolds
This is very relevant.
Obama and just about every Potus before him failed badly in their negotiations with Best Korea.
They all used the kid-gloves and treated Kim like a snowflake, as Kim demanded.
Many people pointed out that Kim was acting like a poorly trained car salesman and someone should just bargain hard with him.
Trump did just that, and it worked. Past leaders have tried to negotiate after getting on their knees first. That doesn't work.
Only a brash, bold, and arrogant leader could have done it.
I'm a bit on the fence. Yes i would love to have that whole crock pot of shit settle down. On the other hand, we will never ever hear the end of how Trump single handedly wrestled peace from that Wiley (but honorable) dictator.
It's the best outcome for the world, but if trumps ego grows anymore his head will no longer be able to contain it.