[–] RiverWind 0 points (+1|-1)

Thanks for that great link, PMYA. More people who are concerned about what happened to Voat should see it.

I am surprised because the article indicates that there was a "decision" to scale down Voat. If that were the case, than I am sure that PuttItOut would have informed the community in advance. I am not aware of any such notification. This makes me question the article.

[–] PMYA 1 points (+1|-0)

If you get a ton of users, you have to scale up to manage them, that's what happened to Voat. But then if some of those people stop using the site, there's no point using the same server setup anymore because it's a waste of money, so you scale back down again, that's all it means.

Also yeah, it's an old article.