[–] RiverWind 0 points (+1|-1)

Thanks for that great link, PMYA. More people who are concerned about what happened to Voat should see it.

I am surprised because the article indicates that there was a "decision" to scale down Voat. If that were the case, than I am sure that PuttItOut would have informed the community in advance. I am not aware of any such notification. This makes me question the article.

[–] IRelishPickles 2 points (+2|-0)

The site wasn't scaled down. It was recoded to cut costs associated with microsoft.

[–] E-werd 1 points (+1|-0)

It was re-coded so that they could scale down hosting to reduce costs. That's where the wording comes from. As it was, it required a lot of software overhead beyond simply serving data.