This is a weekly thread for /s/VirtualReality users to talk about what games they are playing, or anything else you feel wouldn't deserve it's own thread
I played both Onward and Pavlov, was not a fan of Onward. Pavlov feels VERY CS:GO like (If you've played that) and it's a really comfortable game to play everything feels sorta natural.
Definitely give Pavlov a try if you get a chance, It's quite an awesome team based shooter.
I played both Onward and Pavlov, was not a fan of Onward. Pavlov feels VERY CS:GO like (If you've played that) and it's a really comfortable game to play everything feels sorta natural.
Definitely give Pavlov a try if you get a chance, It's quite an awesome team based shooter.
I started playing Pavlov shortly after getting a Vive and it's still the game I've been coming back to every time since.