Similarly, complimentary colors (the "opposite" color on the color wheel) is the after image we see when we stare at something for a while and then look at something white.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
Seriously though, Color Theory 2 class in my art degree was pure torture. Every student in the school regardless of what they were studying knew of it and how it made or broke art students.
Similarly, complimentary colors (the "opposite" color on the color wheel) is the after image we see when we stare at something for a while and then look at something white.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
Seriously though, Color Theory 2 class in my art degree was pure torture. Every student in the school regardless of what they were studying knew of it and how it made or broke art students.
Similarly, complimentary colors (the "opposite" color on the color wheel) is the after image we see when we stare at something for a while and then look at something white.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
Seriously though, Color Theory 2 class in my art degree was pure torture. Every student in the school regardless of what they were studying knew of it and how it made or broke art students.