[–] E-werd 1 points (+1|-0)

Well, we'll have to agree to disagree. I prioritize usability over... whatever your reason for using Hooktube is. If it's shit to use, I don't give a damn about content.


I am contributing exposure though.





My reasons are that I prefer not to enable a monopoly.
It is not the artists that you are helping. You are hurting the artists, while helping yt.
If yt did not have a monopoly artists would have selection, and a better income. The only reason yt has a monopoly is because people like you refuse to use anything else.
Hooktube isn't much of an alternative, but it's success will show that there is a hunger for an alternate.

I am willing to deal with a lesser player in an effort to help the artists and the internet in general. What was your plan again?

Your exposure cartoons, while entertaining are entirely unrelated. They are making fun of the idea of exchanging exposure for work. I am not asking for anything, or taking anything.
Exposure is the most important step in success for an artist. I only mentioned it because you claimed they gained nothing. Which is wrong.