[–] leaderofnopack 1 points (+1|-0)

I bet Joshua Delbosque had been arrested many times before for DUI and the courts gave him a slap on the wrist as they always do, as far as I'm concerned people who drive intoxicated should sit in jail for no less than 15 years for first offence.

[–] CDanger 0 points (+0|-0)

I agree that DUI drivers are in general pieces of shit, but mistakes do happen. Young people especially are vulnerable to bad decision making. That doesn't mean they're worthless and should have their life fully ruined. Penalties are already pretty steep and will cause a bunch of damage and make all the good people in that group vow to never do it again.

Punitive punishments like this open the door to easy abuse too. Combined with very low alcohol thresholds, it would be a really convenient way to take out an enemy.

But repeat DUI drivers? Yeah, if it's your 3rd, sure I'd support life in prison. You've made it clear after several wake up calls that you don't care. Even some of those might come around and eventually clean up, but at that point they're causing tremendous harm to others and will probably do it again. Most of that group is irredeemable. Make better choices.