[–] ScorpioGlitch 1 points (+1|-0) 4 years ago

Strength doesn't matter in command or intelligence positions. It doesn't matter in most mechanic positions either. A good friend of mine is in the military and was put on repairing helicopters and trucks before she went into their software development track (which doesn't require strength).

I know that the bulk of positions in the military is just meat slabs to throw around in the field but there's a HUGE amount of positions that aren't. Unless you're saying that feminine mentality isn't suited for those either?

[–] [Deleted] 0 points (+0|-0) 4 years ago

There are limits and standards set for virtually all positions that require physical strength. The weight of tool boxes and repair equipment, the time it takes to perform tasks, etc., are some things that have had their limits changed to allow women to be "qualified" for those job positions.

Those men are more than just slabs of meat. Many are also highly trained technicians who also happen to carry weapons. There is more to the military than sitting in a hole shooting at people. Who do you think fixes the expensive equipment?

I'm not saying they aren't smart enough, I'm saying that the standards the military used for decades were loosened to so that women could qualify for those jobs. There was a reason for the standards and loosening them means that efficiency and time are being lost.

When the women's auxiliaries were created for WWII, they were to be temporary measures to free up men for combat positions. I don't think were in the same position were were in in 1941.