[–] F6F_Hellcat 3 points (+3|-0)

When asked about children getting their dicks cut off or being put on puberty blocking drugs without parental consent, he wouldn't answer the question. This guy doesn't belong anywhere near "public health".

I hope the Senate has the common sense tell this guy and his fake tits to take a hike.

[–] Dii_Casses 3 points (+3|-0)

What I'd like to know is why he was one of those that put covid patients in nursing homes.

Cuomo gets a lot of flak for doing that to New York, but it is theoretically possible that was ignorance. If he has the sense of a turnip.

Levine, on the other hand, took his mother out of a nursing home and put her up in a hotel during that fiasco.

[–] ChadThunderCock 1 points (+2|-1)

Political elite setting one set of rules for us and disregarding it for themselves? I'm shocked. I truly thought they cared about us.