I'm sorry you can't see the benefit of legalized sales. There are sales tax dollars coming in and legal salaries being paid out.
Street corner marijuana is cheaper, no argument. But what you get will continue to be anyone's guess. Adulterants, and varying quality will drive the market out of business. When you purchase from a storefront you get product that has been quality tested and you know exactly what you're getting every time you buy. You buy the brand you like (not all states have branded MJ, but look to CA's dispensary system for examples), or you buy you preferred strain. The THC/CBD percentages are on the labels. You know exactly what you're buying.
I doubt that prices for legal marijuana will remain as high as they are now. Once it is de-scheduled, there will be many more farms than exist today. Supply will rise to meet demand and prices will fall to meet at a sustainable natural level.
It's going to be a wonderful thing. I've invested quite a bit in the industry and expect it to become a very significant income source.
Really. Legalize it. It's my opinion that to classify it as some sort of community investment is a joke.
It's not going to come off of the street corners. The legal stuff is 4 times the price of what you get from someone you know.
I'm not a refeer madness person, but it can be a gateway drug, as much as cigarettes and alcohol are, anyway.