And the actual list of demands, with the reasoning behind them. Offers much more incite into the situation than the attention grabbing headline.
A low income community seems to have been forced out due to "reconstruction" IE gentrification or whatever euphemism you prefer.
This lead to increased rents combined with stagnating wages and limited employment opportunities.
This business owner may have been singled out due to their vocal social media presence.
But the pamphlet or whatever they received was not personalized for them. And smashing a flower pot hardly seems like "mafia style tactics "
To look into the article they cite
And the actual list of demands, with the reasoning behind them. Offers much more incite into the situation than the attention grabbing headline.
A low income community seems to have been forced out due to "reconstruction" IE gentrification or whatever euphemism you prefer.
This lead to increased rents combined with stagnating wages and limited employment opportunities.
This business owner may have been singled out due to their vocal social media presence.
But the pamphlet or whatever they received was not personalized for them. And smashing a flower pot hardly seems like "mafia style tactics "
To look into the article they cite
And the actual list of demands, with the reasoning behind them. Offers much more incite into the situation than the attention grabbing headline.
A low income community seems to have been forced out due to "reconstruction" IE gentrification or whatever euphemism you prefer.
This lead to increased rents combined with stagnating wages and limited employment opportunities.
This business owner may have been singled out due to their vocal social media presence.
But the pamphlet or whatever they received was not personalized for them. And smashing a flower pot hardly seems like "mafia style tactics "