[–] Mattvision 6 points (+6|-0)

I don't care about Trump, I'm worried about government overreach.

Both this and the NDAA are terrible.

[–] [Deleted] -2 points (+2|-4)

I'm not. I agree that the NDAA is wrong. Not Antifa, though. Being somewhat bloodthirsty, anyone indicating they were antifa would be shot out of hand.

Protesting and demonstrating are fine tools when used responsibly. If wrongly used, well, I have no sympathy for anyone involved. The first bottle, rock, whatever, that came out of the crowd and I'd tear gas the daylights out of the whole area and put everyone in jail. If the group can't police itself, they then have to accept whatever comes their way.

[–] Mattvision 3 points (+3|-0)

And where are you getting this idea that they have to indicate they're in Antifa to be labeled as terrorists? Unless we get a clear criterion of what the hell they mean, we're getting dangerously close to the state being able to point at any political dissidents and say "They're a member of Antifa". This is the patriot act all over again.

[–] [Deleted] 0 points (+0|-0)

As soon as a political dissident starts rampaging and destroying things, I'm good with them being dragged away and never heard from again.

I'm guessing you missed this:

anyone indicating they were antifa would be shot out of hand.

I never said that someone had to label a person. Most of those people were only too happy to claim membership last year. I'm only too happy for them to be dropped into the middle of the Atlantic.