[–] Dii_Casses 2 points (+2|-0)

Done a'ight, I think. He acted quickly within the bounds of executive authority, and his two abuses of power since then were chosen fairly well.

[–] [Deleted] 0 points (+1|-1)

A'ight the US death toll tops 80,000 and the economy suffers the worst job losses since the Great Depression.

[–] Dii_Casses 1 points (+1|-0) Edited

There is no ethical way for government to control a plague, only authoritarianism. A government showing adequate restraint can do little more than monitor the situation and keep everyone informed of things such as risk factors. We were told there is a plague going around; now it is up to you to decide how careful you need to be. People catching the disease is nobody's fault but their own. And for a disease that is every bit as infectious as the flu, there is no not catching it. We're all going to have to cross that bridge sooner or later; holding out for a vaccine is a pipe dream.

And Trump didn't fire a fifth of the workforce, the governors did that. For what they're doing, treason is not too strong a word.