I have a friend that is in residency at a hospital in Cincinnati. Their hospital placed an order for 2 million masks for staff. When the order got to the dock in NY FEMA seized it.
Supposedly FEMA has been acquiring the full supplies of storable food products from multiple companies since early February. It makes sense for FEMA to have emergency rations on-hand, but it has made it extremely difficult for regular people to acquire any. The company I have bought from in the past had a 10-12 week waiting period for any of its storable products last I checked.
Shouldn't FEMA have already had mass amounts of shelf stable food in storage? Shouldn't they have already had millions of masks in storage? Now that the masses require these products, are we starting to see how I'll prepared these federal agencies have been?
It’s made things even more clear that the government is inept and won’t help you until weeks after you need it. Their job is to come in after the fact and clean up a little bit.
That’s why my family has a few weeks of food and supplies. If you can last a month without aid you’re in decent shape.
guess if new york can do it, the feds can too. wonder what happens if both national guard and feds want something.