[–] PhunkyPlatypus [OP] 5 points (+5|-0) Edited

Just some math. This will save 5.5 billion in 5 years. That's 1.1 billion a year, divided by the 700k recipients and again by 12, to arrive at a monthly allowance of $131.

$131 a month is just over $42 32 a week for food. Think about trying to survive off that, regardless of the person's circumstances.

Edit: sorry that's $32 a week.

[–] leaderofnopack 0 points (+0|-0)

But if your making $20 + an hour then the state is giving you a great deal, I know a few who make great money and know how to work the system.

Then those people are being dishonest and shouldn't qualify for assistance to begin with. They are an outlier and not the norm.