[–] Justintoxicated 1 points (+1|-0)

don't think creating large tent cities with thousands of homeless on the edge of a city is really a good idea...or is it?

It certainly did not work for Herbert Hoover.

The cost of maintaining one shelter in a nice neighborhood would be better used to maintain multiple shelters in a lower cost district

I walk by a methadone clinic everyday, it's a homeless hotspot but because it's in a neighborhood between 2 super wealthy neighborhoods people are okay with it. It's kind of a happy medium, it's an area full of bars and music clubs so being a bit gritty helps them out a lot. I guess yu just have to be strategic about it, like how Oakland sends all their homeless to San Francisco..

[–] jobes 1 points (+1|-0)

like how Oakland sends all their homeless to San Francisco

Can we send our homeless to San Francisco too?