[–] Pessimisticsteel -1 points (+0|-1)

Page is dead, no archives.... I'm calling bullshit.

[–] [Deleted] 0 points (+0|-0) Edited

Page is not dead, I'm calling bulllshit @Pessmisticsteel

[–] Sarcastaway 1 points (+1|-0)

Yeah that's kinda weird. IIRC, Trump pardoned his friends of that BS arson case that led to the wildfire refuge occupation. Not that this necessarily means he would support Trump or anything, but its still just... odd.

This feels like a very early or very late April fools joke.

It's quite frankly an unbelievable turn about after the stand off three years ago.

[–] Tedison 1 points (+1|-0)

Almost as if he had taken part in staging an attempt at revolution to see who/what would come out of the wood work and didn't really believe in the reasons for the siege in the first place?

That really seems like some Hines sight revisionism.

I kept an eye on that situation as it unfolded. And I suppose that could be applicable in a certain light. But I didn't see that sort of attitude during the stand off.

He seemed very convicted of his beliefs. But those beliefs apparently differ from the figurehead he's expected to endorse.

I suspect he falls into the more libertarian as opposed to alt right mind set.