Considers? What the hell is there to consider?
Oh yeah. "Step 3. Profit."
This is just rage-advertising by ABC. It's the same type of ploy AGT just used in their "she almost died" BS. It's a scripted, controlled marketing move to do just what you and others did: free advertising and attention.
She got in my face to the point where she was actually spitting at me
She was so rabid her talking was spitting. I hadn't heard that angle before. Anyways that's extreme disrespect for a guest and she should be fired. If not, that creates prescient.
Member what Whoopi said about when Roman Polanski plied that barely a teenager w/ drugs and alcohol. She said what Roman Polanski did "wasn't rape rape". There's a double standard. If defending pedophiles won't get her fired then assault won't.
Make a wrongthink tweet, get fired. Spit in someone's face, might get fired. Sounds like a double standard.
I bet if you add up the IQs of the entire audience and hosts of "The View" Judge Jeanine's would be higher.