[–] CDanger 1 points (+2|-1)

Nobody wants to take away their abortions. If you like your abortions, you can keep it. We're just talking about common-sense abortion control.

Very glad to see Kavanaugh is a 2nd Amendment supporter. Might have bought the country 10-20 years from a total descent to 1984.

[–] Owlchemy [OP] 1 points (+1|-0)

I agree. The whole abortion thing is just a DNC red herring talking point ... as you said, no one is going to take them away, at best they'll impose some sane regulation, rather than anything, anytime demanded. I saw a meme yesterday where it had something to the effect ... 'The same folks who demand common sense gun control measures ... demand abortions should have zero restrictions.' (a bad paraphrase, but you get the drift, I hope).

Being a big pro-gun guy myself, I'm also happy to see a pro-second amendment judge, too.