[–] OeeThaGreat 2 points (+2|-0)

They should be paid minimum wage like everyone else, and tips shouldn't be an accepted norm. Business owners need to stop expecting their customers to pay for their lower wage employees through some unwritten rule that says customers need to throw a few extra bucks because the employee is paid less. Instead, owners need to raise their prices a bit, pay their employees a reasonable amount, and stop expecting customers to fork up the difference. Of course a business owner doesn't want to increase their prices by a bit because it would appear to the paying customer that they are paying more upfront, when in reality if wait staff wasn't getting tips and are getting a reasonable wage, the cost to the customer would be about the same.

Tipping culture is fucked up.

[–] [Deleted] 1 points (+1|-0)

Either way the customer pays for it, higher prices or tipping. The downside to that, is if you're getting take out food you're paying for a built in tip. Maybe places would start having carryout vs dine-in prices.