The difference is the platform being private or public.

I don't think platform matters because I do not agree that he is supposed to keep anything contained inside his home. I think he still has the right to take the Potus mantle off, and go out in public, as himself.
Platform is mostly irrelevant to that. Treat a private cocktail or private Twitter feed the same.

changes this into a "public appearance", makes it "work" and makes

If he has crossed the line of conducting business on personal time, then that is the issue that should be dealt with. Not stripping him of a personal identity.

It comes with the exceptional job; like royals, prime ministers and presidents

Historically it has been like that. That doesn't mean it's a good thing. There was a time where it was required, but I think that has passed.
I like the idea of the leader being a real person instead of a revered or mythic semi-deity. I like seeing any moves toward openness and transparency.
It feels more honest.

[–] Boukert [OP] 4 points (+4|-0) Edited

Riddle me this then: So where do official statements from POTUS start and where do they end? Which ones are which?

See the confusion, pressure and legal limbo this brings us in to. Hence all statements in public are in the function of POTUS.

Platform is mostly irrelevant to that. Treat a private cocktail or private Twitter feed the same.

No, as it absolutely isn't the same as one is a statement made in private, during a private meeting in a private setting... the other is a global public statement.... twitter is the same as a press conference, or statement made to a journalist pre-social media.

Not stripping him of a personal identity.

"The loneliness of leadership" It's a burden yes, all powerful men mention it in their memoirs... but Donny can be whatever or whomever he wants to be in function (and be accountable) and if he wants to take it beyond he can in private. POTUS>Donny the function is more important then the man.

Historically it has been like that. That doesn't mean it's a good thing.

There's actually law in place with good reasoning because of this exact issue:

The platform matters as Donny has the extraordinary jobfunction of POTUS. It's has not "been historically arranged like this" it is written in goddamn law because, statements made in public by people holding a powerful/public function automatically carry extra weight. As people see POTUS, the person and the function cannot be seen separate when acting and making statements in public, the function is far to big and overshadows any person. (same goes for royalty and PM's) If this was not the case the person in power could easily abuse his powers and position, pressure situations to personally benefit, not be held accountable for statements "i wasn't in function", while pushing others "but I was in function", deliberately lie or dis-inform without accountability, etcetera etcetera it all basically comes down to grossly abusing his or her powers.

This is basic law for these functions in about the whole civilized world just for these exact reasons. Twitter might be a "new thing" but the laws where made to en-capsule accountability and limit power (abuse). Hence the person is always in function when in public.

So where do official statements from POTUS start and where do they end? Which ones are which?
See the confusion,

No. It has never been confusing. Official channels are called official channels. They come with seals, or other validation. It is very common practice to separate official and personal business, and it is rarely difficult to define.

No, as it absolutely isn't the same..

My point is that I recognize him as having the same rights in both, so the difference doesn't matter. I'm not saying they are the same.
I give him those same rights whether at a private party or on his personal twitter. I make no distinctions when it comes to his personal time.

The paragraph comes down to a fundamentally different expectation of leadership.
When choosing between "of the people" and "above the people" is where we part ways.

This is basic law for these functions in about the whole civilized world just for these exact reasons. Twitter might be a "new thing" but the laws made to en-capsule accountability and Hence the person is always in function when in public.

Old law. Time for reform in my opinion.
It's not like that here. I once came within three meters of hitting Canadas first female prime minister with a raw egg.
But I missed. Messed up her bus though.
No long ago a friend of mine ran into Trudeau at the park.
That's right, just chillin at the park. No (visible?) security.

We don't worship lawyers here. They're just people.
Think about this, do you know who Obama is, as a person? No. We have no idea, we know a carefully tailored persona. But we've never seen his true colours.
Trump? He may be an idiot, but we know he's an idiot. It's genuine.

I'd like to try that level of openness, but with someone better qualified for the role.

[–] Boukert [OP] 2 points (+2|-0)

That's utter bullshit, It indeed has never been confusing as "Any statement any potus made has been in function"..., If you think the words of men in powerful positions don't carry extra weight you are being terribly naive...The person, power and position are intertwined. The power/position is bigger then 1 person. History is littered with power-abuse within function, you seriously think Donny could separate the two? Who's worshiping lawyers all of a sudden?(rly?) These laws are in place to protect the people and make leaders accountable (yes btw they worship the founding fathers in your parts) - this is much more valuable then "getting to know the "real" person", Without proper law we would have tyrants.... Trump also picks what the public gets to see, he might be more reckless then Obama but that is their own choice and handling of their own personal privacy. the function cannot be separated from person, Trumps rights< being voluntary Potus, Trump can still say/show whatever the hell he wants, or show whatever parts of his persona he wants, but he needs to be accountable due to his position, plenty of other legal issues, Power abuse, corruption, accountability, . etcetera etcetera same as in my above replies etcetera etcetera...

Anyway that's my limit for this, as I don't feel like searching for any quotes from my old study books. I doubt I can make my point any more clearer nor will it most likely make a change in your viewpoint . I encourage you to ponder on or read up on the legal aspects and accountability angle of this issue as democracy is built on the accountability of leaders and the limitations of their powers (yeah lawyers and such).