I like your version better. "When the elderly attack".
And there are many city-folk who may not be able to tell the difference between firecrackers and gunshots. For people who live thier entire life in the city, it's not a necessary skill.
Well, depending on the neighbourhood I guess.
I'd argue that a basic knowledge of firearms should be considered a necessary skill for any adult. What kind of irresponsible adult doesn't have the means or ability to protect their family? At some point victimhood is a choice. Boggles the mind so many liberals have such a seething hatred for all police. Literally their only hope if shit hits the fan while they're hiding in the closet. Yeah, some cops are shit. It's a crapshoot though and you get what get when you relinquish your rights and depend on others to protect you and yours.
I don't disagree that people should be able to tell the difference. But it's not a necessary skill for city dwellers.
Not a liberals hate cops. I love cops, and guns, but am mostly liberal.
NO FUN ALLOWED!!!! I chose not to read the article and instead pretend a group of senior citizens rolled up in a bus and raised hell at a school. If you're kid doesn't instantly know the difference in sound btw tiny firecrackers(Most places ban the fun ones) and a gunshot they've been way too sheltered and coddled. You'd think anti-gunners would take the time to teach their kids about firearms... you know... so they don't accidentally shoot themselves in the head when they find one. I can just imagine the paradox now. These kids grow up. They're now technically adults and they need to go look for an adult b/c there's a gun in the bushes. They accidentally grab another liberal and now their is two adults searching for an adult.
edit: When you realize it's common for people that have ridden in cars for 16 years not to know the difference between the brake and the gas peddle it gets really annoying. Yes, some people are that stupid and there's a massive group of adults out there likely to accidentally fire a gun if they find one. They're the same people that think an AR-15 is an assault rifle or an automatic.