I'm not sure it's that black and white.
Ideally the cop would have used mace or a taser. But he did not know the guy was unarmed until the crazy man was already close. At that point it is too late to switch away from the pistol to the non-lethal.
If the crazy guy had grabbed for the cops gun, it may be reasonable.
We don't have footage of the most crucial moments. But we can see that crazy naked guy charged the cop aggressively and fast.

The cop did not have time to plan anything and just had a crazy situation sprung on him.
With seconds to act, I can see how I might shoot in that situation.

And really, charge at anyone who is pointing a pistol at you need to expect you're gonna get shot.
Especially if your cock is hanging out at the time.

[–] [Deleted] 2 points (+2|-0)

There should be a bridge between American cops and British "Cops". The guy was clearly fucked up, and backup was necessary... it's just sad that he gets killed over this... I remember in the 90s the Samurai wielding man was taken down by the fire department. They used a ladder and a high pressure hose to pin and tire him out so the cops could go in and disarm him... it's like they don't give a fuck anymore about the outcome.

The training is very different now. Back then cops were expected to take risks. Now they have the same access to self defense that we do.
The guy was fucked up, but if I saw correctly the cop just stumbled into that situation. He didn't know what he was getting into, and when innocents are being attacked he can't just wait for backup.

Your right that it's sad he gets killed over this, and I'd agree that there must be a better way. I think different training and tactics would be a good start.
But I don't think making a villain out of the cop helps anything. That guy might have been doing the best he could with the tools and expectations he was given. He didn't make the rules or break the system, and he also wants to survive the day.

If people put more effort into reforming police mandates, through participation in the political process, then we might see progress.
Blaming the cops divides people and takes the heat off the real sources.

At least, that's the way I choose to see the world.

[–] [Deleted] 1 points (+1|-0)

you chose right. I'm in awe of level heads like you... I tend to go off a bit. My preference is how you mention reform in training... that makes a lot of sense to me. I think the bone to pick now is that, like you stated, he didn't have the tools to properly handle the situation. There was obviously a better way, and that's the golden ticket cops should be trained for. I'm regretting thinking he should be exposed because that wouldn't solve anything... I should maybe carry around an ice pack for my hot head hehh