I agree we should be allocating more of the resources we are funneling to foreign and migrants programs back into helping those in trouble in our own country first. Generosity begins at home, as they say. Maybe we should also start reevaluating where we spend much of our budgets. It always seems that the real services government was created to perform when living in a civilized society are the last things on the plate when budgeting. Instead, it's sexier to build a high speed train to nowhere, or to fund some politician's pet program to glorify themselves. And the recent shooting factored in, we also need to try different approaches to mental health care. A big problem is that we've shutdown all the mental facilities that once served those with serious mental illness. But like you, I have no real solutions.
What I do know is that society itself is badly flawed today. Society has always been badly flawed, and likely always will be. The trouble is, so many have so much invested in what we've become, it's impossible to steer the ship quickly in any direction. Plus, one has to have the will to do so. As long as every problem is addressed by people thinking that if we just pass this new law or that new initiative, all will be well. It never is, it's just far more complicated than that.
"More government" is the cause of, not the solution to most of our problems
More beds and bathrooms would only maybe provide some temporary relief, if any at all really. I don't have a great solution that wouldn't make me sound like a monster. Maybe improve the availability for mental health assessment and treatment, quarantine those that are unable to function on their own and create camps outside of inner cities where some of them could live? Since money seems to be a large issue these cities are facing in combating this issue, maybe stop spending so much on economic welfare for other countries and stop bringing in so many economic migrants who require government assistance and re-purpose that money internally in this country first?