That's a bit harsh, but I do agree with warning people like "They don't like us here, don't forget you might be thrown into a hole somewhere and we can't guarantee we'll be able to get you out" when going to places like this. Which I think we already do.
All good brother-man. People should be careful about where they travel though.
I remember, a few years back, ISIS killed a couple of Japanese reporters, I think they were, who were in that area trying to get information or something like that. They did a taped execution, and the prevailing Japanese response among the general population was a lot like yours - "they shouldn't have been there in the first place." So it's not like it's a viewpoint that's unheard of or anything.
dont understand why people go there, they learned nothing from the iranian hostage crisis. the world is not ours to globetrot, anyone arrested or taken hostage there should be left to their own devices.