[–] [Deleted] 2 points (+2|-0)

Democrats have complained about police brutality for years. The police, they assure us, are out of control. And, the story goes, they have it in for anyone whose skin is not lily white. You can’t trust the racist cops, they tell us. Remember Ferguson, Missouri, Eric Garner, Philando Castile, Tamir Rice, and others.

But these same Democrats also tell us that the police are the only ones who should have guns, which is to say that the police we’re not supposed to trust, who are guilty—in their view—of unspeakable crimes against Americans, should be given a monopoly on physical force and that private citizens should be deprived of their most effective means of defending themselves. That’s a headscratcher, but I’ll come back to that later.

That's the very first thing I mention when the topic comes up for discussion.

[–] [Deleted] 1 points (+1|-0)

This is apples and oranges. Guns are a problem, bad policing is a problem. They are seperate problems that need seperate solutions.

[–] PhunkyPlatypus 1 points (+1|-0)

Precisely. It's the accountability of police actions that needs to change. And that's whose other discussion