[–] CDanger 0 points (+0|-0)

You're definitely right that Ebola is far more likely to come from air travel, but other diseases are certainly a concern with illegal immigrants. Sanitation and vaccinations are abysmal in Central America, so it isn't surprising that illegal immigrants would bring diseases.

Those who emigrate legally are required to have a physician exam for communicable disease. After all, Ellis Island was a thing for a reason.

[–] Butler_crosley 0 points (+0|-0)

I have no issues with him reporting the actual documented diseases that have been treated at hospitals, it was his saying Ebola could come in with an illegal African immigrant that I take issue with. That's a sensationalist claim and is no more than a scare tactic. Any immigrant can be carrying a disease, so why not reform the immigration laws so that more immigrants are actually using the border crossings instead of trying to sneak in using deadlier routes?