Yup, they're a party of hypocrits and liars as well. The party of states' rights... except when it comes to allowing states to choose their own policies on marijuana. The party of fiscal discipline... except when they explode the deficit more than their predecessors. The party of free enterprise... escept when they support legislation and subsidies that benefit large businesses. Both parties blow.
Yup, they're a party of hypocrits and liars as well. The party of states' rights... except when it comes to allowing states to choose their own policies on marijuana. The party of fiscal discipline... except when they explode the deficit more than their predecessors. The party of free enterprise... escept when they support legislation and subsidies that benefit large businesses. Both parties blow.
We saw the Tea Party movement around 2009. The Republicans were smart to try and change their identity. Sadly they never delivered en-mass.
How's that Obamacare repeal coming?