Hello everyone! I regret to inform you all that I'm taking a brief hiatus for the week to go backpacking with my wife. As I'm unable to schedule posts in advance, I won't be posting here this week.

I am, however, able to schedule posts in advance over on Reddit, so I've done so. If you can't wait until next weekend for your history fix, you'll have to check out the reddit subs this week for the daily content. Thanks for understanding, and have a great week!

<3 Locke

Hello everyone! I regret to inform you all that I'm taking a brief hiatus for the week to go backpacking with my wife. As I'm unable to schedule posts in advance, I won't be posting here this week. I am, however, able to schedule posts in advance over on Reddit, so I've done so. If you can't wait until next weekend for your history fix, you'll have to check out the reddit subs this week for the daily content. Thanks for understanding, and have a great week! <3 Locke