[The following is from the Civil War diary of Samuel Clear, a Union soldier.]

Thursday, April 13th – on the March to Berksville Station


Nice clear water was running down by the side of the ties, we took our cups and dipped up and drank it and thought it was pure and nice, and when we reached the middle we found that we had drank the essence of two dead horses. The Cavalry had a fight here and threw them into the cut and they was rotten.

I tried to belch it up, but it was there to stay, gag, gag was all we could do.


Chisholm, Daniel, et al. “Diary.” The Civil War Notebook of Daniel Chisholm: A Chronicle of Daily Life in the Union Army, 1864-1865. Ballantine Books, 1990. 80. Print.

[**The following is from the Civil War diary of Samuel Clear, a Union soldier.**] >*Thursday, April 13th – on the March to Berksville Station* >[…] >Nice clear water was running down by the side of the ties, we took our cups and dipped up and drank it and thought it was pure and nice, and when we reached the middle we found that we had drank the essence of two dead horses. The Cavalry had a fight here and threw them into the cut and they was rotten. >I tried to belch it up, but it was there to stay, gag, gag was all we could do. ___________________________ **Source:** Chisholm, Daniel, et al. “Diary.” *The Civil War Notebook of Daniel Chisholm: A Chronicle of Daily Life in the Union Army, 1864-1865*. Ballantine Books, 1990. 80. Print.

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