Call it a dungeon crawl 3 card monty. 3 words with a description and go. One person picks next person writes, if you write you pick the next three from...

Dungeon Words

The first three being....

The dressing is Blocked,

the enemy is Flame

And the reward is Well.

Game on!

Call it a dungeon crawl 3 card monty. 3 words with a description and go. One person picks next person writes, if you write you pick the next three from... # [Dungeon Words](https://perchance.org/dungeonwords) The first three being.... ## The dressing is Blocked, ## the enemy is Flame ## And the reward is Well. Game on!


[–] Dii_Casses 1 points (+1|-0)

I don't understand how this works

Also I think it could be difficult to drum up another game after being ghosted on the first one.