[–] OeeThaGreat [OP] 4 points (+4|-0) 5 years ago

That is fucking dumb. I am not a fan of Apple, but they have the right to use their own plug if they wish, and super cheap android models should be able to use old micro USB if they want to cut as many corners as possible to save money.

This just dumb.

[–] PCaut 0 points (+0|-0) 5 years ago

This is Europe. Their approach to competition ethics and competition legislation is different. Competition laws aren't written by the corporate lobbyists alone, the trade and consumer associations and the labor unions have a say too. Entirely different interests.

Apple has this "closed ecosystem" approach to competition, they establish monopoly control over their entire product life cycle in all its details. To a degree where they de facto own the device and the consumer is simply forced to accept whatever they "offer". This strategy allows Apple to maximize the revenue from their consumers, and it is perfectly legal in the US, but it doesn't work in Europe. Apple creates no added value with that proprietary port, it's a rip-off and it grossly violates the principles of the free market. Armies of independent business owners, repair technicians, software developers, etc. agree with that. Middle class voters.