[–] jobes 2 points (+2|-0)

I've actually done programming for making a Maya plug-in which does automatic phenom generation for 3D skeletal and muscle rigs for 3D created characters for games/tv/movies as a research project. I was happy to try this because it makes artist life easier to not have to physically create an animation for the mouth saying different syllables.

I just never thought they would or could make an infinitely precise skeleton and muscle mapping and use that to use this to make fake videos of human beings that looks real. The deep fake technology being popular now means that we have all almost have been guaranteed to have all been fooled by this for something major prior to the release of this technology.

I make that argument in knowing just how far ahead our military has been for VR and surveillance tools before any of those became public products. For example, what we're seeing now in VR is that many military departments phase it out decades ago when they already solved the problems that Oculus and Vive are struggling with. There was a VR developer conference that invited military sometime in 2016 I think where they were presenting current and future issues, and military present brought up "why didn't any of you contact us? We already fixed these problems or know they can't be fixed". No I don't have a source, this was from a friend working with VR early tech.