I play the game in a very particular order, only going certain places when I reach certain levels and have certain perks. For example, I don't go to Megaton until I have at least 5000 caps and an Explosives skill of 25, so I can disarm the bomb, get my house, and buy all furnishings (Explorer theme, workbench, infirmary, laboratory) all in one day or so. And I don't go to the scrapyard to get Dogmeat until I have my house in Megaton, because I want a nice home for my pup. No Andale until I have the Cannibal perk, no Yao Guai tunnels until the Animal Friend perk, and I test the mole rat repellant BEFORE the Animal Friend perk so I don't gotta kill my rat friends.
BUT I still like having a semi-realistic path of travel, not just bouncing around the map all nilly-willy. So I color-coded the map to mark where I do and don't go at certain levels. It's much less tedious than it sounds, and no, I don't get this nitpicky about other games. Fallout just has so much to do in one playthrough.
That sounds a lot like how I replay most games actually. It's kinda tragic because choices tend to mean a lot in CRPGs but I have just accepted it now and watch alternate stories and endings online.
Actually Fallout was the game that got me into modding heavily because I was tired of the traders getting killed so I found a mod to make them almost unkillable.
I don't mod much, but I don't think I even could on PS3. Not quite sure how that works. I just give the traders better guns and armor, plus a pre-war hat for Doc Hoff, so he looks more like Walter White. Basically, I play as myself, a chaotic neutral cannibalistic housewife/scientist who collects teddy bears and befriends all the animals. House is littered with drugs, bed is covered in teddies, fridge is filled with dead bodies. Tis a shame that Animal Friend doesn't work on deathclaws....
I'd like to get into modding and such, but I'm about as tech-savvy as an earthworm. Actually, that's part of why I joined Phuks, to maybe poke around and learn a thing or two. Other sites are just too big for me.
I'm struggling to think of a reason why you'd be doing that but it's been a long time since I played. Was it that one quest that sent you all through the capital?