[–] chmod 4 points (+4|-0)

Yet another reason to stay with Linux. Just having my wife's Win10 laptop on my network scares the shit out of me.

Do you have a preferred distro? I've played with kali, openSUSE, and ubuntu on virtual machines. I don't like the feel of ubuntu, especially after I found out they sell data, and I'm not a hacker so kali isn't for me. Tumbleweed was alright.

[–] chmod 3 points (+3|-0)

I've run so many over the years starting with Redhat before it became Fedora. I ran Fedora and Ubuntu for a long time but am currently on Mint. Even though it's an Ubuntu spinoff, so far it's my favorite.

I'll check mint out when I get home. Thanks for not responding with "install gentoo" lol.

[–] [Deleted] 0 points (+0|-0)

I've been running Debian Stretch on a desktop and a laptop and Rock Cluster on 8 Dell blades. I prefer Debian. Rock Cluster is based on Fedora, which I have never liked.

[–] ScorpioGlitch 1 points (+1|-0)

ReactOS is a windows XP clone and the latest release has the framework in place to start towards running windows 10 software without actually needing windows 10. Best of all, it's not Microsoft.

[–] chmod 1 points (+1|-0)

I've never heard of it until now. Still in Alpha after 21 years?

[–] ScorpioGlitch 0 points (+0|-0)

Really? It's one of those things to actually pay attention to. I read somewhere that they have something like over 14,000 unit tests and they all pass. I tried it maybe 10 years ago and it was nice. Pretty much windows XP. I got a little nervous because of "How do you update this thing" at the time and I had only just heard of it and didn't want to rely on it as my primary OS.

I can't help but wonder if I should maybe drop some cash on a terrabyte SSD and swap drives to see how it runs now. Even if it doesn't pan out, I have a terrabyte SSD.