I was referring to NN by the FCC since you did. The states have to be very careful in their regulations otherwise they run into Dormant Commerce Clause infringement. California seems to enjoy testing the limits of the Dormant Commerce Clause and they may have gone too far with this law. I read somewhere that the Trump administration was letting other states pass NN laws but was waiting for California to pass theirs because it was going to be the strictest and most likely to infringe on that clause.
I'm all in favor of states passing their own NN style laws as long as they don't affect states that don't pass them. I also think it's misguided because not letting the market correct itself but then again most politicians think they know better than their constituents do. But again as long as another state's NN regulations aren't dictating my state's internet rules, I'll be fine.
What? Are you sure you understand what net neutrality is?
And even if you do:
Even if this is true, it has nothing to do with states implementing their own versions to stop the problems you talk about since the FCC repealed all thsoe Obama regulations. You'd literally be against something that doesn't exist anymore.