Do we really need to have this discussion? Again? You are literally trying to sell us on the idea that companies can be trusted with our rights. History tells us that we cannot:
Not to mention that they're going to do literally anything they can as long as it gives them money and power.
It's almost like you have not learned any of the entirety of human-kind's history.
Marsh v Alabama actually proves my point. The government stepped in when rights were actually being infringed upon. That's when the government should step in, not preemptively when it isn't happening.
I'm fully aware the same reason true unbridled capitalism won't work is the same reason communism won't work: human nature. But that doesn't stop me from wanting to get closer to true capitalism. I'm in the AnCap and Minarchist ideological realms (depends on the day and topic as to which one I'm identifying with).
It proves my point that businesses will do as they plase.
But we know it’s going to happen again. The best way not to be controlled is to be preemptive, not reactive. Enforcing net neutrality now means we don’t have to try to classify geoups of businesses as holding monopolies. Kind of like how banks and businesses raise gun sales ages without regard to rights. That fight is still coming. Might as well put a stop to it now.
Why should the government be regulating something that should be free market? Let the consumers decide if they are willing to use companies that engage in such behavior and let the government only step in if the companies are actually engaging in unfair or unethical business practices.