[–] PMYA 1 points (+1|-0)

Going to play devil's advocate here. In Google's case, are they even liable? The apps are hosted on their store, but they don't create them. Surely if app developers are creating apps targeted towards children, and knowingly using the data they collect, they are the responsible party?

Setting a precedent where Google is responsible for every downloadable item on what is essentially a curation service seems batshit to me. Not only is it bad for Google, it means that no other party can realistically curate apps for Android, as they won't have the resources to spend a bunch of time looking at every app on their store.

[–] ScorpioGlitch 0 points (+0|-0)

It is google's responsibility to make sure that the content they host does not violate law. If they do not take down illegal content, they are saying "Hey, it's cool" when the terms of use explicitly say otherwise.