[–] Sarcastaway 3 points (+3|-0) 7 years ago Edited 7 years ago

Who the fuck decided it would be a good idea to put an AI in control of a god damn war plane? And who exactly decided that letting google get involved in military tech at all was even remotely okay?

We're on a fast track to this.

[–] CDanger 3 points (+3|-0) 7 years ago

The DoD has had a major boner for autonomous systems for years. Can you imagine how eager politicians will be to go to war when there are no pesky funerals for soldiers causing bad PR?

[–] Sarcastaway 1 points (+1|-0) 7 years ago

The lack of funerals would be a strong motivator to pursue autonomous ground units, but we already have drones in the air. The only motivation for this tech is to reduce wages and salaries expense, psychological healthcare costs, and most of all to remove conscientious objection from the equation.