Telegram was created by a Russian national. This is a total front. Just like when the FBI got all pissed about apple not decrypting messages.
Mark my words: Russia will cave to these protests, allow Telegram once more, and their population will widely adopt the service because they falsely believe that their government can't see their communications.
Telegram was created by a Russian national. This is a total front. Just like when the FBI got all pissed about apple not decrypting messages.
Mark my words: Russia will cave to these protests, allow Telegram once more, and their population will widely adopt the service because they falsely believe that their government can't see their communications.
Telegram was created by a Russian national. This is a total front. Just like when the FBI got all pissed about apple not decrypting messages.
Mark my words: Russia will cave to these protests, allow Telegram once more, and their population will widely adopt the service because they falsely believe that their government can't see their communications.